皮带驱动机械的精确对准对于减少皮带轮和皮带磨损至关重要. 它可以帮助减少机械振动, 这反过来又会提高机器性能. 良好的皮带轮对齐有助于减少计划外停机时间, 并能提高设备的可靠性. 皮带对齐工具 MS-CNT20 提供了一种简单而准确的方法来调整机械,以便皮带轮准确对齐.
The MS-CNT20 consists of two units that attach magnetically to the side of each pulley. The transmitter unit emits laser lines that is projected onto the reflector unit. The reflector unit has a target area with a central reference line. The laser line is then reflected to the transmitter unit for a reading on the second target area, greatly increasing the accuracy. Depending on the position and orientation of the laser line projected on the target area, it is possible to determine the type of misalignment and how to correct it. Belt alignment is easily performed by adjusting the moveable machine(s) until the laser lines coincide with the reference lines on both units.
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